2320 West 95th Street
Chicago, Il

(313) 314-7020

“I believe the way you wear your hair is a personal choice, but knowing how to care for your hair the way it naturally grows from your head, is your absolute birthright!”

- Samantha CurlHaus

Welcome To The CurlHaus

Welcome To The CurlHaus


It all begins with partnership, but in our case we’ll call it Curlship! Our Curlship will be unlike your usual stylist/client experience where you just come to “get your hair done.” That’s only half of it. To have curls that thrive and turn heads it will require you to do your part as well. During our time together I will give you all the tools you need to be successful but remember practice makes progress! So go home and practice, practice, practice!

New Client Procedures

30 days prior to your appointment you will need to have stopped the use of all raw oils & butters and begin a WEEKLY cleansing & conditioning regimen.

During this time, my only suggested products will be AG Balance Shampoo, AG Boost Conditioner. Styler options are Uncle Funky’s Daughter Curly Magic & The Doux Mousse Def for Hydrate & Define (wash & go) or twist outs.

CurlMix is acceptable

That’s 4 weeks of cleansing, conditioning and styling before our time together, Curlfriend!

Book Your Service

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See you soon